Sunday, March 18, 2007


Helllllo everyone. Tonight I was looking at some of the required blogs for our class when I found something pretty interesting on Slashdot. It seems that high schools are looking into the use of video games for educational purposes. The rationale behind the idea is that current teaching plans don't hold students' interest. Therefore, video games with real life educational dilemmas will do a better job in capturing and retaining their attention. Some obstacles to this proposed learning style include the issue of video game addiction and the negative public image of video games in general. What do you think?


rcarman said...

I think that using video games as an educational tool is a novel idea, but I just don't see it being very practical. I will be the first to admit that our school system needs to try some new things to improve student performance, so maybe educational video games could at least be attempted. However, I think it is far from the solution that is necessary.

Katie S. said...

Thank you for that insightful comment, Roger. I agree with you. Can you think of any other ideas that might help out the school systems? I'm stumped.